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Self-Care 101: The Forgotten Fundamentals

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, self-care has become something that’s often forgotten or relegated to the sidelines. It’s easy to get caught up in quick fixes and trendy wellness practices, but the true foundation of well-being lies in the forgotten fundamentals—practices that have supported human health for centuries. In this session, we’ll dive deep into the core pillars of self-care, from recognizing your self-worth to nourishing your body, mind, and spirit. You will walk away with simple, yet powerful practices for living your best life. If you’re ready to reconnect with what truly supports your health and vitality, join us for this immersive experience and rediscover the timeless fundamentals of self-care that will transform your life.

* indicates required

These courses are completely free, but we appreciate your donations. Your donation is not just a financial contribution—it’s an investment in you. We recommend a donation of $11.11, a symbolic amount to energetically and physically commit to your growth and transformation. By making this donation, you’re signaling to yourself that you are worth the time, effort, and energy required to show up for your own well-being. We don’t determine the price of wellness. Only you know what it is worth to you. This gesture, big or small, aligns you with the abundance and well-being you seek.

January 11

Self-Care Isn’t Just For Sundays (Copy)

March 8

The Body Ministry Masterclass