Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🍁
Let today be what food has always been.
A source of community, healing, festivity, and comfort.
If you choose to celebrate, release any stress or anxiety about what’s on your plate.
Thanksgiving is about more than just food.
Historically, it’s been about celebrating the changing of seasons, the harvest, connecting with others and practicing appreciation.
Each fall Mother Nature comforts us with a beautiful spectrum of color.
And nourishes us with an abundance of delicious seasonal foods.
We are gifted sweet potatoes, pecans, brussels sprouts, cranberries, green beans to strengthen our body.
We step away from work and rest to rejuvenate our mind.
And we spend time with friends and family, cherishing the connections that feed our soul.
Allow the uplifting energy of love and appreciation fill every crevice of our being.
Let it overflow from our heart, elevating our spirit, and reminding us to give thanks.
Today is about your presence.
Savor every bite, every laugh, and every hug.
Let Thanksgiving remind us that we are nourished by love, community and food.
None of which should be feared.
All of which should be embraced to enjoy life in perfect natural harmony.
From our hearts to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

Welcome to The Body Ministry Blog.
This is the last post for the month of November, where we explored the 8th Pillar of Wellness - Nutrition.
Join us in the month of December for our 9th (and last) Pillar of Wellness, as we finish our journey through the Physical Realm.
Learn more at OriAra.com

With Love,


The 9th (and final) Pillar of Wellness - Movement


The Mindset of Nutrition