The Body
Ministry Blog
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Don’t Settle. Desire More.
Unlock Your Super Powers
Desire = Discipline
Discipline = Commitment to Self
Discipline - Remembering What You Want Most
Join the Trust Challenge
Do you consider yourself a Spiritual woman?
Can we dare trust that if we choose to take care of these beautiful bodies that we will be taken care of in return?
From Comfortable Discomfort to Thriving Health
How Do I Learn to Trust Myself Again? Learn How to Recover From Past Diet/Exercise Failures
What We Can Learn From Bee’s
Pre-disposed is NOT Pre-determined
When Your Friend Asks How To Be a Fit Mom…
Embracing Wellness and Gratitude for Your Future Self
Learning to care for my body has been life-changing.
While simple, it hasn't always been easy.
Set Your Soul Free: Unlocking Your Deepest Desires through Wellness
What's that one thing your Soul yearns to do, but you feel held back by your current state of health/wellbeing?
Trusting Yourself for Endless Energy and Time
When you are living from your soul, you are taping into an endless stream of energy.
Not only are you not tired and never run out of time, you CREATE time and maintain replenished energy.
However, when you do not have that trust in yourself, there will be a desire to gain the trust and acceptance of external sources.
Let's Talk Trust and Wellness
Our 2nd pillar of wellness is trust. Why trust? Because trust is at the foundation of any relationship…including the one you have with yourself and your body. Imagine trying to have a healthy relationship with someone you ignore, can’t stand to look at, feels will let you down, or don’t know how to be vulnerable with. All of these are symptoms of lack of trust. How long would that relationship last before you ended it?
Do You Trust Yourself?
Explore the depths of your divine essence and unleash your creative potential. In a world where self-doubt and comparison often cloud our perception, it's crucial to remember our inherent power. Trusting yourself is not just about believing in your abilities; it's about acknowledging your divine nature and embracing the limitless possibilities that lie within. As you cultivate faith in your ability to manifest your desires and shape your reality, you open the door to a life of abundance, fulfillment, and vibrant well-being.
What New Journey Do You Need to Explore?
Thank God I didn’t listen to the people around me because cutting my hair changed the quality of my life! Going natural was the key to getting consistent with my workouts. Sweating out perms and sew-ins did NOT help me stay in shape!
Unveiling Your Worth: A Journey of Self-Discovery
"Your subconscious only allows you to have what it believes you deserve".
Have you ever scrolled through old photos and felt amazed at how beautiful, fit or healthy you were, yet at that moment, you couldn’t see it?
Unlocking the Power of Fasting: My Experience During a Total Solar Eclipse
So, Hubby and I recently did a 3-day water fast. Yup…it’s exactly as it sounds. Pretty much just water for 3 days. For quite some time, I've been interested in the practice of fasting. Not the intermittent kind (IF) that's often associated with weight loss, but a true day-over-day fast. Although I have strong reservations about fasting for weight-related reasons, I've always been an enthusiastic advocate of its health and spiritual benefits. This has only been from an academic standpoint….until now.
I chose the day of a once-in-a-lifetime new moon total solar eclipse as the perfect backdrop to challenge my body and nourish my spirit. The cosmic energy seemed to provide the perfect environment for this experiment. I haven’t stepped on a scale in years, so I have no idea if I lost weight. My focus was on the journey itself.
Here's what I discovered and learned along the way: