The Body
Ministry Blog
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Our Human Design is Divine

Step Into Your Sovereignty and Rest.

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead” - We Need To Do Better.

Accepting the Season of Rest and Change

Rest Unlocks Your Superpowers

Surrender is a Form of Rest

There’s a Reason We Were Taught To Say Our Prayers Before Bed

7th Pillar of Wellness - Sleep

Take a Breath, Connect and be Present with our Self.

Our 5 senses - A Spiritual Journey Through the Present Moment

Our Body is a Gift to Embrace the Present

The Present Moment is a Portal

Who Are You Being?

The Power of the Present

The Present is Always The First Step of The Journey

The Present Moment is our Navigation

6th Pillar of Wellness - Presence

All Emotion Fully Felt is Bliss. Connect With Yourself.

Treat Your Body the Way You Want To Be Treated